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Tour #1 - Villages and Landscapes Asciano

The route from the parking facilities rather long adjacent to the ancient Baths of Rapolano Queciolai, though, being circular, may result essre starting from anywhere. The excursion can be done by car or camper in all seasons and bike or road bike in the spring and summer. The estimated travel time is only about 2 hours per car / bike and bike more than 4. The feature of this tour is a continuous salt on roads to go down secondary roads, all paved. For landscapes and places it touches, is a course recommended for those who want the multiple plots of interesting things to see and appreciate. Based on the stops, and the possibility of visits to spas, the path takes a day or a quiet weekend in full, to be spent predominantly in the open air.
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Il percorso, piuttosto lungo dal parcheggio attrezzato adiacente alle Terme Antica Queciolai di Rapo