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Museo Civico Siena

Museo Civico
Piazza del Campo 53100 Siena
Business card (vCard)
01/11 - 15/03 10.00 - 18.00 (last entrance at 17.15)
16/03 - 31/10 10:00 to 19:00 (ticket office closes at 18:15)
Christmas: Museum closed
New Year's Eve: 12:00 to 18:00
From the courtyard of the Palazzo Publico you access to the Museum, which houses beautiful paintings and sculpture along with paintings of extraordinary artistic and documentary value of the famous Sienese school of painting. Go up two flights of stairs at the entrance of the Halls was monumental, and turning immediately right you enter the room of the Globe, the main core of the building, having been a long time for meetings of the General Council of the Republic. The name comes from a lost painting by Ambrogio Lorenzetti rotating map, which depicted the ancient territory of the Republic. From this room began: the decoration of the Palace, is located on the back wall fresco by Simone Martini, the magnificent "Majesty" of 1312-15, still remarkable for the delicacy of chromatic chords, for the purity of the lines. And 'the first masterpiece of the famous painter, who on the back wall effigiò several years later in 1328 the portrait of the leader "Guidoriccio da Fogliano" conquerors of the Castle of Montemassi. Besides, the beautiful room of the Nine, where once met the Government of the Nine, who in 1337 commissioned Ambrogio Lorenzetti to decorate the room with the cycle of frescoes known as "The allegory of good and bad government." Returning to the room of the Globe, it passes to the left, nell'Anticappella, formerly used as a hall of the Consistory, ospitandone offices. In 1415 Taddeo di Bartolo, was commissioned to decorate it with a series of paintings of "Virtue and Of Famous Men." A beautiful gate closes the fifteenth century chapel, built early in the fifteenth century, much broader than that found on the ground floor, as it had to meet the new demands of a religious community that Siena was always more to increase. Of its decoration was still charged with Taddeo di Bartolo "Stories of Our Lady." The adjoining room to move or "Cardinals", introduces us to the Consistory Hall, with marble interior door Bernardo Rossellini. The frescoes on the ceiling, brilliant colors, are Domenico Beccafumi, whose subject us back again to the theme of justice and the love patriotism. Next to the Consistory Hall is the Hall of War or Priors, adorned with frescoes by Spinello Aretino, illustrating the "Life of Pope Alexander III of Bandinelli." Following the Hall of the Risorgimento, known as the Hall of Vittorio Emanuele II, inaugurated in 1890, whose walls are completely frescoed by Sienese painters of late nineteenth century, with episodes of the Unification of Italy. Upstairs is a large lodge, which looks to the south of the city. Finally, recently established at the adjacent rooms, houses the picture gallery, there are numerous frescoes, tables and paintings belonging to both the Sienese school and to other Italian and foreign artists.
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