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Santa Maria Maddalena Siena
Artist: Andrea del Brescianino
Year: XVI secolo
Current location: Museo di San Donato - Collezione di Banca MPS
77.5 x 63 cm
The painting, purchased from Monte dei Paschi di Siena in 1982, qualifies among the highest and most poetic compositions of Piccinelli. Born in Brescia, Andrea Piccinelli carried out his work as a painter in the early decades of the sixteenth century moving between the cities of Siena and Florence. In the Florentine capital Andrea came into contact with the harmonies and the wide compositional rhythms that Fra Bartolomeo was developing in the large altarpieces for the convent of San Marco, works which our painter would seem to be inspired by in the construction of the full, perfectly balanced volume of the Maddalena del Monte dei Paschi; the open, gently shaded face of the young saint seems to offer a personal interpretation of Raphael's female prototypes, while the marked sensitivity for the liquid and iridescent colors declare the full belonging of the work to the Sienese artistic culture of the early decades of the sixteenth century: the bold combinations between acid greens, bright pinks and fiery reds of the coat and dress of the Maddalena, are in fact the maximum expression of Brescianino's participation in the pictorial mannerist climate generated in Siena following the manifestation of the brilliant creations of Domenico Beccafumi.
Santa Maria Maddalena