Palio dei Carretti Montepulciano
Palio dei Carretti
Where: Valiano
When: alla fine del mese di settembre in occasione dei festeggiamenti del Santissimo Crocefisso
In the Middle Ages in the same resort & agrave ;, located on a hill between Montepulciano, Cortona and Lake Trasimeno, he ran an uphill race with horses, along the road of Loreto, the Customs at the Church of Cape Valiano.
On the occasion of the Palio, Valiano & egrave; divided into six districts, whose names are identified in places already & agrave; existing in medieval times. Contrade that are held every fourth Sunday of September, the & quot; cloth & quot ;, usually painted by a famous painter, are: CASTLE (yellow-green), CHIESINA (red-black), CUSTOMS (white-blue), SOURCE (white- red), MARSH (yellow-red) and BRIDGE (red-bl & ugrave;).
The & quot; cart & quot ;, traditional means of entertainment of the youth of Valiano, & egrave; It consists of four planks of wood hard, linked together, form an elongated isosceles triangle, two & quot; bobbin & quot; with the ends & agrave; two pairs of bearing steel ball bearings, of which the front steering wheel and two hand brakes located at the rear of the vehicle. Each cart & egrave; guided by two & quot; pilots & quot ;.
The race is divided into more & ugrave; & Quot; down & quot; to select the districts that will go to the final. The departure & egrave; It located in the hill pi & ugrave; top of the village, about 330 meters above sea level; carts perform a stretch of about one kilometer down gradient up to 15% and with three curves notoriously difficult.
Before the race there is the parade of historical parade of the districts in medieval clothes that evokes the glorious history of the ancient Castle of Valiano, dating back to 1100, when the territory was annexed in Montepulciano in 1774.