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Castles and Archaeological Sites in Crete Asciano

Track length: 33,6 km
Road bed type: Misto Asfalto/sterrato
Difficulty: Medio-alta
The track, which starts from the parking lots in front of the medieval walls of Asciano, is developed for the first few miles along the Lauretana to Siena, in a succession of steep climbs and descents. After passing the town Pievina Vescona and, after a short flat section, we proceed to the left along the dirt road to San Martino in Grania. This is an especially beautiful, the scenery certainly appeal across a wide part of Crete. It almost always goes downhill until you reach San Fabiano. From here begins a short flat stretch that runs near the river Arbia before Monteroni. One kilometer from the center of Val d'Arbia, take the road which leads to Asciano. There awaits a first ascent followed by a short descent and then to the junction that leads to a Rofeno Abbey, a long climb that noni has still prohibitive slopes. The last few miles are all downhill to the valley after attrversato Ombrone and grace of the bridge, near the cemetery, you return to Asciano.
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