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From Montepulciano to Castelluccio Montepulciano

Track length: 25,4 km
Road bed type: Misto Asfalto/sterrato
Difficulty: Media
It starts from Montepulciano in the direction of sports which goes past the right on a dirt pleasant saliscendi.per reported in approximately 1 km and a half. Leave the main dirt road that goes back to the intersection of S. Biagio to bend to the left again on excavation at the farm Arden turn right uphill on a dirt road that runs along susineto field and that leads us in a short asphalt linking Chianciano Montepulciano, and the cross towards the industrial area and Totona at a crossroads go straight on asphalt in the steep climb we follow the road until it comes down to right and just past a farm, turn left on dirt road field (barrier) follow up to a flat stretch of abandoned farm (bar) where you go left in the firm and bumpy downhill. Once in the valley climb laboriously up the hill to enter a forest after about 300m you come to a fork where you turn left again on a very steep climb. Once out of the woods paves the way for granting us a little breathless and wonderful views, the villa is exceeded pianoia and continue on the road There comes hours dirt road that leads to an asphalt road that must be taken after a left at the first intersection you go strappetto right in the direction of Mary Magdalene hermitage that we reach after turning left at a building and a wide dirt path uphill through the woods. Once you reach the hermitage we recommend a visit to the incomparable beauty of the place, the track continues along the walls of the convent of trail and then take another left on very rocky trail initially continue through the woods in a fairy tale leaving a first turning right and going right to the next, the path was a clearing in the woods and go straight downhill piu'avanti then you go right then left again downhill paths emerging from the left and we put on a wide dirt road, then steep descent before light. After passing a villa with a sharp left turn right going around the farm and after passing a bar we go decidedly downhill to the valley go up the hill with some hard to tear up and get out into the woods about 1km after piu'avanti up and down the farm drive along the beautiful lift with beautiful views over the reserve and Castelluccio nat.di Pietraporciana until you reach a dirt road and follow it uphill to the right first and then up and down. We arrive in the asphalt loc.Pianoia gia'percorso we had before, but omit the deviation than before continuing to the hermitage on the tarmac after about 3 miles of false flat descent brings us to the junction of white villa we left and arrive quickly at the junction of s.biagio. continue straight on road with cypress trees reaching the temple go around taking away the reeds on the left that we follow through. After passing under 2 bridges you go to the stop right after reaching the starting point of around 700m.
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