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With Domenico di Bartolo along the ancient Lauretana - Devotion, Art and Mercy Asciano
Track length: 37,1 km
Road bed type: Misto Asfalto/sterrato
Difficulty: Media
The ideal starting point for this pilgrimage route is surely the piazza of the Duomo of Siena, and more precisely the Pilgrims of Santa Maria della Scala, while the point of arrival of this ideal path can only be the square of the Basilica of Sant 'Agata, in Asciano.
In this place, as in Siena, overlooks a beautiful church and the building of an ancient Hospitale: that of San Michele, founded by a noble Ptolemy woman next to his palace.
At the completion of the thread of this reflection, the presence in the place of the Oratory of Mercy, rich in significant artistic evidence.
In short from Hospitale to Hospitale, on the traces of the great artist Domenico di Bartolo and beyond.
For more information
The via LAURETANA street of Artists and Pilgrims - publication ARCA Asciano
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