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Bruscello sul Sagrato del Duomo Montepulciano
Bruscello sul Sagrato del Duomo
Where: Piazza Grande nel Centro Storico
When: Alcuni giorni a cavallo di metà Agosto
Time: La sera dopo cena
Website: http://www.bruscello.it/index.php

that was planted by the bruscello & laquo; the Old Bruscello & raquo;, comedian, that
led the & laquo; Brigade & raquo; of bruscellanti, from farm to farm or on the churchyards. In these places the brigade, made up of singers and musicians, arranging themselves in a semicircle around & Outdoors; sapling each sang their part, and all the others did the choir. The topics were varied and according to them the bruscello took a different name.
In Montepulciano Bruscello traditional country, although most of origins & ugrave; distant in time, & egrave; It has been documented since the nineteenth century and was preferred to epic-dramatic.
We have news of bruscelli sung in Montepulciano for most of the twentieth century, but the
Birth of the Society of Popular Bruscello, dates back to
1939, when the square of the Cathedral was performed for the first time & laquo; Pia
de & rsquo; Tolomei & raquo ;.
Since then I have spent many years and the tradition & egrave; consolidated.
& Nbsp; Each year & nbsp; boys and girls, young and old, dressed costumes of
their ancestors, interpret roles of saints, heroes, warriors, of traitors, of leaders, and every year the citizens and tourists & nbsp; flock to the Piazza Grande to watch the story of Pia, of Genevieve, of Ghino heel, of Brendan, Porsenna, of Catherine of Siena, but also to furbesche ironies of Bertoldo or Calandrino and many other characters
and stories of the folk tradition. The evening of the performance, after greeting the Storyteller, it is dark in the square and on the & nbsp; churchyard appears a figure dressed in a tunic, with a long white beard accompanied by a child holding
a lantern and another that holds manoun sapling. The man with the beard has a large book under his arm, he stops and opens it while the baby
He raises his lantern to him and begins to sing: & egrave; History tells the story of the singing Bruscello.