Bravio delle botti Montepulciano
Bravio delle botti
Telephone 0578.757575
Website: http://www.braviodellebotti.it
Business card (vCard)

Before the race, the Piazza Grande are held important ceremonies such as' extraction of the starting order of the barrels, delivery of cloth Brav & Igrave; or the Magistrate of the Contrade and the offering of the votive candles to San Giovanni. The historical procession, made up of over 300 people fascinate & agrave; the public with the presence of ladies, knights, flag bearers and drummers. After the ringing of the bell of the town the barrels, from the column of the Marzocco, it will be made to roll between the picturesque streets of the old town until the arrival located in the churchyard of the Duomo in Piazza Grande. Late into the night to follow the celebrations of the winning district.