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Accademia dei Rozzi Siena

The Academy of Rozzi of Siena was founded around the fifteenth
century. However, the exact date of its foundation is unknown but
it is believed that his aperura was equivalent to that of the
Academy of the tingle was born, in fact, in the fifteenth century.
At its opening, the Academy welcomed students from all over Europe.
The early years of the Academy, in fact, saw featuring the best
scholars and professors of law, medicine and philosophy that came
to Siena to lectures similar to those that took place in the great
universities. During the Renaissance, the Academy of Rozzi of Siena
put at the center of his study of the Italian language and culture,
which remained the center of interest of these scholars for a long
time. Participation in the activities of the academy was free and
saw the presence of many people. The lessons of the academy, in
fact, ordinary people who took part in both cultured people, who
contributed actively to the activities of the school. Many learned
people, in fact, they brought their contribution through poems,
texts, philosophy and short stories that read personally in front
of an enthusiastic public. These people who wrote and performed
plays and short stories, with the passage of time, became quite
famous to the point that their performances began to make the tour
of Italy. I 'Rozzi', ie the protagonists of this academy, became so
well known that at some point even the Pope Leo X summoned them to
Rome to listen to live some of their stories and comedies, and
rejoice with them. The 'Rozzi', then, were also well received by
the Emperor Charles V that for a certain period of time had their
residence in the city of Siena. With the passage of time, the fame
of crude increased more and more and, for this reason, decided to
constitute a real society with which legalized and ufficializzarono
its activity. The idea that accompanied the protagonists of this
new company was to eliminate the ignorance that accompanied anyone
participate in the activities of the company. In fact, they said
that joining the academy people acquired the nickname of 'rough'
but lost any trace of ignorance.