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Accademia degli Oscuri Torrita di Siena

Accademia degli Oscuri
Via San Martino, 7 53049 TORRITA DI SIENA
Website: http://www.accademiadeglioscuri.it

Academics, characterized by an "Arcadian pseudonym", are also known as "Dark" and are divided into "Academic re-founded" (those who re-founded the Academy January 29, 2004) and "Academics" (who later entered the Academy). All have the same burdens and honors, with no difference, except for merit, for the first, to have reconstituted the academy.
The members respond, albeit to a reasonable extent, to the qualities and characteristics of tolerant people, morally and ethically attuned to qualities of generosity, altruism, education and benevolence, typical of women and men who want to get rich within, so without dogmatism, fundamentalism or fundamentalism.
The Academy has two guidelines on two specific areas of the humanities: the "Brigade of Friends of the Towers" and "Humanistic Congregation Torritese".
In particular, "The Brigade of the Friends of Art of Torrita" carry out and / or promote research, studies, analysis, debates, discussions, publications, protections, and anything else deemed appropriate partnerships in order to better know and make known the history of our community and the local artistic heritage, and to develop interest and awareness of all the artistic themes in the broad sense, while "The Humanistic Congregation Torritese", with the same systems and methods described above, is working to better know and make known literature, philosophy, theater, music and humanities, however, all without exception.
Both operate on the principle of research, as much as possible "the right of the true and beautiful"